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  • Patient Inbounding SSO
  • Provider Inbounding SSO
  • Patient Outbounding SSO
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    Patient Inbounding SSO





    SSO Integration Protocol

    Term Explanation

    No. Term Description
    1 SSO Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials (e.g. username and password) to access multiple applications.
    2 Fed-SSO Federation single sign-on (Fed-SSO), which allows users to login without passwords, is one of the many SSO solutions.
    3 SAML2 Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0) is a version of the SAML standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains.
    SAML 2.0 is an XML-based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal (usually an end user) between a SAML authority, that is, an identity provider (IDP), and a SAML consumer, that is, a service provider (SP).
    4 IDP An Identity Provider (IDP), also known as Identity Assertion Provider, is responsible for providing identifiers for users looking to interact with a system, asserting to such a system that such an identifier presented by a user is known to the provider, and possibly providing other information about the user that is known to the provider.
    In MDLIVE Fed-SSO Integration, Client’s Server is the IDP server.
    5 SAML2 IDP SAML2 IDP is an Identify Provider which can generate SAML2 assertions with information about the end user.
    Client MUST have a SAML2 IDP for MDLIVE Fed-SSO Integration.
    6 SAML2 SP SAML2 SP is a Service Provider which can consume and process SAML2 assertions from authorized SAML2 IDPs.
    In MDLIVE Fed-SSO Integration, MDLIVE Fed-SSO Service is the SAML2 SP.
    7 IDP-initiated In IDP-initiated SSO, the Federation process is initiated by the IDP sending an unsolicited SAML Response to the SP.

    MDLIVE SSO Integration Protocol

    No. Integration Protocol
    1 Initiator Client’s SAML2 IDP
    2 Protocol SAML 2.0
    3 SAML Profile Web Browser
    4 SAML Binding HTTPS Post

    HTTPS Post Request Body Security Protocol

    No. Security Protocol Supported
    1 SAML2 Assertion Level Base64 Format Encoding YES (Recommended)
    2 SAML2 Assertion Level Encryption with SP Public Certificate YES
    3 SAML2 Assertion Attribute Level Encryption NO
    4 SAML2 Assertion Level Plain Text NO

    SSO Including Registration UX




    SSO Seamless UX






    SSO with Real Time Eligibility

    No. Attribute Name Format Supported
    1 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified YES
    2 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri YES
    3 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic YES
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 subscriberid Required Customer ID / Member ID / Subscriber ID
    The same ID which is sent in 270 request to verify the member real time eligibility.
    Maximum 20 characters
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Dependent Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Dependent Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Dependent Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Dependent Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 subscriberid Required Dependent Customer ID / Dependent Member ID / Dependent Subscriber ID
    The same ID which is sent in 270 request to verify the member real time eligibility.
    Maximum 20 characters
    7 relationship Required Relationship Code
    !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Attribute value ONLY accept:
    Other Adult
    8 primaryfirstname Required Primary Member Legal First Name
    9 primarylastname Required Primary Member Legal Last Name
    10 primarygender Required Primary Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    11 primarybirthdate Required Primary Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    12 primarysubscriberid Required Primary Customer ID / Primary Member ID / Primary Subscriber ID
    The same ID which is sent in 270 request to verify the member real time eligibility.
    Maximum 20 characters
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 subscriberid Required Customer ID / Member ID / Subscriber ID
    The same ID which is sent in 270 request to verify the member real time eligibility.
    Maximum 20 characters
    7 memberid Optional GUID / UUID from the client side.
    The member ID should not change in the life time of account on the client side.

    Maximum 36 characters
    8 phone Required Member Phone Number
    Format: 10 digit phone number
    Example: 8004006354
    9 email Required Member Email
    Format: MUST be a valid email address
    10 address1 Required Member Address
    11 city Required Member Address City
    12 state Required !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Member Address State Abbreviation
    Format: 2 Upper Case State Abbreviation
    Example: FL, NY, CA
    13 zip Required Member Address Zip Code
    Format: 5 digit zip code
    Example: 33325
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Dependent Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Dependent Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Dependent Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Dependent Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 subscriberid Required Dependent Customer ID / Dependent Member ID / Dependent Subscriber ID
    The same ID which is sent in 270 request to verify the member real time eligibility.
    Maximum 20 characters
    7 memberid Optional GUID / UUID from the client side.
    The member ID should not change in the life time of account on the client side.

    Maximum 36 characters
    8 phone Required Dependent Member Phone Number
    Format: 10 digit phone number
    Example: 8004006354
    9 email Required Dependent Member Email
    Format: MUST be a valid email address
    10 address1 Required Dependent Member Address 01
    11 address2 Optional Dependent Member Address 02
    12 city Required Dependent Member Address City
    13 state Required !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Dependent Member Address State Abbreviation
    Format: 2 Upper Case State Abbreviation
    Example: FL, NY, CA
    14 zip Required Dependent Member Address Zip Code
    Format: 5 digit zip code
    Example: 33325
    15 relationship Required Relationship Code
    !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Attribute value ONLY accept:
    Other Adult
    16 primaryfirstname Required Primary Member Legal First Name
    17 primarylastname Required Primary Member Legal Last Name
    18 primarygender Required Primary Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    19 primarybirthdate Required Primary Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    20 primarysubscriberid Required Primary Customer ID / Primary Member ID / Primary Subscriber ID
    The same ID which is sent in 270 request to verify the member real time eligibility.
    Maximum 20 characters

    SSO with Preloaded Eligibility

    No. Attribute Name Format Supported
    1 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified YES
    2 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri YES
    3 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic YES
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 memberid Optional REF02 field in 834 file
    member_id field in CSV file
    external_id field in MDLIVE Eligibility Server (API)
    Maximum 36 characters
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 memberid Optional REF02 field in 834 file
    member_id field in CSV file
    external_id field in MDLIVE Eligibility Server (API)
    Maximum 36 characters
    7 phone Required Member Phone Number
    Format: 10 digit phone number
    Example: 8004006354
    8 email Required Member Email
    Format: MUST be a valid email address
    9 address1 Required Member Address
    10 city Required Member Address City
    11 state Required !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Member Address State Abbreviation
    Format: 2 Upper Case State Abbreviation
    Example: FL, NY, CA
    12 zip Required Member Address Zip Code
    Format: 5 digit zip code
    Example: 33325

    SSO with No Eligibility (DTC)

    No. Attribute Name Format Supported
    1 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified YES
    2 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri YES
    3 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic YES
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 memberid Required GUID / UUID from the client side.
    The member ID should not change in the life time of account on the client side.

    Maximum 36 characters
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 memberid Required GUID / UUID from the client side.
    The member ID should not change in the life time of account on the client side.

    Maximum 36 characters
    7 phone Required Member Phone Number
    Format: 10 digit phone number
    Example: 8004006354
    8 email Required Member Email
    Format: MUST be a valid email address
    9 address1 Required Member Address 01
    10 address2 Optional Member Address 02
    11 city Required Member Address City
    12 state Required !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Member Address State Abbreviation
    Format: 2 Upper Case State Abbreviation
    Example: FL, NY, CA
    13 zip Required Member Address Zip Code
    Format: 5 digit zip code
    Example: 33325

    SSO for DTC EAP Member

    No. Attribute Name Format Supported
    1 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified YES
    2 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri YES
    3 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic YES
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue the ou value to the client.
    2 firstname Required Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Member Gender
    M or Male for Male
    F or Female for Female

    U or N or Non-binary for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    Example: 30-08-1990
    6 memberid Required Member GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)
    Maximum 36 characters

    Client needs to send MDLIVE the Member Globally Unique Identifier to identify members in the case if members have identical demographics information (first name, last name, gender, and birthdate).

    For example, Cigna can send Un-encrypted Cigna-Enterprise-ID as the memberid.
    7 eapcode Required EAP Authorization Code
    Example: 010622221989
    8 eapstartdate Required Service Start Date for the EAP Authorization Code
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    Example: 30-08-2023

    EAP Start Date needs to be the current date or a future date
    under Eastern Standard Time.
    9 eapenddate Required Service End Date for the EAP Authorization Code
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    Example: 30-08-2024

    EAP End Date needs to be a date later than EAP Start Date
    EAP End Date needs to be within 1 year between EAP Start Date
    under Eastern Standard Time.
    10 eapapprovedvisits Required Total Number of Approved EAP Visits
    Example: 5
    11 email Optional Member Email
    Format: MUST be a valid email address
    12 phone Optional Member Phone Number
    Format: 10 digit phone number
    Example: 8004006354
    13 address1 Optional Member Address 01
    14 address2 Optional Member Address 02
    15 city Optional Member Address City
    16 state Optional !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Member Address State Abbreviation
    Format: 2 Upper Case State Abbreviation
    Example 1: FL
    Example 2: CA
    Example 3: NY
    17 zip Optional Member Address Zip Code
    Format: 5 digit zip code
    Example: 33325

    SSO Configuration for Patient

    No. Environment Item Value Description
    1.1 Staging SP Entity ID Audience in Audience Restriction
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    This is the name (EntityID) of MDLIVE Test SP Server which should be configured in the SAML2 assertion as the Audience.
    You will see a 404 Not Found Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    1.2 Staging Destination Assertion Consumer Service
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    You will see a Page Not Found MDLIVE Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    1.3 Staging Relay State NOT URL-encoded
    You will see a Page Not Found MDLIVE Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    1.4 Staging SP Metadata MDLIVE SSO Staging SP Metadata (20250207) The SP metadata installation in the IDP server is not required for the SSO integration.
    1.5 Staging Certificate MDLIVE SSO Staging Certificate (20250207) The Digital Certificate is being used to encrypt SAML2 assertion by clients IDP servers.
    2.1 Production SP Entity ID Audience in Audience Restriction
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    This is the name (EntityID) of MDLIVE Production SP Server which should be configured in the SAML2 assertion as the Audience.
    You will see a 404 Not Found Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    2.2 Production Destination Assertion Consumer Service
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    You will see a opensaml::BindingException Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    2.3 Production Relay State NOT URL-encoded
    You will see a Unknown or Unusable Identity Provider Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    2.4 Production SP Metadata MDLIVE SSO Production SP Metadata (20250319) The SP metadata installation in the IDP server is not required for the SSO integration.
    2.5 Production Certificate MDLIVE SSO Production Certificate (20250319) The Digital Certificate is being used to encrypt SAML2 assertion by clients IDP servers.

    SSO Sign Out


    No. Environment Iframe URL
    1 Staging <iframe src="" style="display:none" id="mdlive-logout" />
    2 Production <iframe src="" style="display:none" id="mdlive-logout" />

    SSO Certificate Update

    No. Item
    1 Preferred certificate update time in EST
    2 Updated production certificate
    3 IDP entityID
    4 One live member account to test SSO after certificate update

    SSO Error Handling

    No. Scenario
    1 A required Assertion Attribute is missing or empty.
    2 When provisioning a new patient profile, eligibility information cannot be verified based on the values provided in the Assertion attributes. This could mean the SAML Assertion data was missing required fields, or the eligibility information is not up to date or that there is a mismatch between the SAML Assertion data and the eligibility data.

    Provider Inbounding SSO

    Provider SSO Integration Protocol

    Term Explanation

    No. Term Description
    1 SSO Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials (e.g. username and password) to access multiple applications.
    2 Fed-SSO Federation single sign-on (Fed-SSO), which allows users to login without passwords, is one of the many SSO solutions.
    3 SAML2 Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0) is a version of the SAML standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains.
    SAML 2.0 is an XML-based protocol that uses security tokens containing assertions to pass information about a principal (usually an end user) between a SAML authority, that is, an identity provider (IDP), and a SAML consumer, that is, a service provider (SP).
    4 IDP An Identity Provider (IDP), also known as Identity Assertion Provider, is responsible for providing identifiers for users looking to interact with a system, asserting to such a system that such an identifier presented by a user is known to the provider, and possibly providing other information about the user that is known to the provider.
    In MDLIVE Fed-SSO Integration, Client’s Server is the IDP server.
    5 SAML2 IDP SAML2 IDP is an Identify Provider which can generate SAML2 assertions with information about the end user.
    Client MUST have a SAML2 IDP for MDLIVE Fed-SSO Integration.
    6 SAML2 SP SAML2 SP is a Service Provider which can consume and process SAML2 assertions from authorized SAML2 IDPs.
    In MDLIVE Fed-SSO Integration, MDLIVE Fed-SSO Service is the SAML2 SP.
    7 IDP-initiated In IDP-initiated SSO, the Federation process is initiated by the IDP sending an unsolicited SAML Response to the SP.

    MDLIVE SSO Integration Protocol

    No. Integration Protocol
    1 Initiator Client’s SAML2 IDP
    2 Protocol SAML 2.0
    3 SAML Profile Web Browser
    4 SAML Binding HTTPS Post

    HTTPS Post Request Body Security Protocol

    No. Security Protocol Supported
    1 SAML2 Assertion Level Base64 Format Encoding YES (Recommended)
    2 SAML2 Assertion Level Encryption with SP Public Certificate YES
    3 SAML2 Assertion Attribute Level Encryption NO
    4 SAML2 Assertion Level Plain Text NO

    SSO Configuration for Provider

    No. Environment Item Value Description
    1.1 Staging SP Entity ID Audience in Audience Restriction
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    This is the name (EntityID) of MDLIVE Test SP Server which should be configured in the SAML2 assertion as the Audience.
    You will see a 404 Not Found Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    1.2 Staging Destination Assertion Consumer Service
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    You will see a Page Not Found MDLIVE Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    1.3 Staging Relay State NOT URL-encoded
    You will see a Page Not Found MDLIVE Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    1.4 Staging SP Metadata MDLIVE SSO Staging SP Metadata (20250207) The SP metadata installation in the IDP server is not required for the SSO integration.
    1.5 Staging Certificate MDLIVE SSO Staging Certificate (20250207) The Digital Certificate is being used to encrypt SAML2 assertion by clients IDP servers.
    2.1 Production SP Entity ID Audience in Audience Restriction
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    This is the name (EntityID) of MDLIVE Production SP Server which should be configured in the SAML2 assertion as the Audience.
    You will see a 404 Not Found Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    2.2 Production Destination Assertion Consumer Service
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    You will see a opensaml::BindingException Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    2.3 Production Relay State NOT URL-encoded
    You will see a Unknown or Unusable Identity Provider Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    2.4 Production SP Metadata MDLIVE SSO Production SP Metadata (20250319) The SP metadata installation in the IDP server is not required for the SSO integration.
    2.5 Production Certificate MDLIVE SSO Production Certificate (20250319) The Digital Certificate is being used to encrypt SAML2 assertion by clients IDP servers.

    SSO for Providers

    No. Attribute Name Format Supported
    1 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified YES
    2 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri YES
    3 urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic YES
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client.
    2 practiceid Required Provider Practice ID.
    If nonapplicable, please pass the same value as the "ou".
    3 username Required Provider NPI or Account Identifier ID.
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 mdlive-provider-id Required MDLIVE Provider Account User ID.
    2 practiceid Required The same Provider Practice ID which will be passed to MDLIVE in SAML2 assertion.
    3 username Required The same Provider NPI or Account Identifier ID which will be passed to MDLIVE in SAML2 assertion..

    Patient Outbounding SSO


    Patient Outbounding SSO Workflow

    Step 01: MDLIVE sends the User SSO OAuth Token to the client via a HTTP Redirection

    The client needs to provide MDLIVE one URL for test environment and one URL for production environment to receive the User SSO OAuth Token.

    The URL should looks like: https://CLIENT_WEB_BASE_URL/mdlive/index.html#/sso/mdlive/token/USER_SSO_OAUTH_TOKEN

    Please save the User SSO OAuth Token and it will be required in Step 03.

    Step 02: Client uses api_key and password to get API Authentication Token

    HTTP Request

    No. Item Description
    1 HTTP URL {MDLIVE_BASE_URL}/auth/auth_token
    2 HTTP Method POST

    Header Parameter

    Parameter Default
    Content-type application/json

    Request Body

    Attribute Required Description
    auth true parent attribute of api_key and password
    ↳ api_key true Unique api_key assigned to your team by MDLIVE
    ↳ password true Unique password assigned to your team by MDLIVE

    Response Body

    Attribute Description
    jwt API Authentication Token
    This token will be expired in 24 hours.


    No. Item Examples
    1 Request Example curl -X POST \ \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "auth": {
            "api_key": "mdlivedemoapikey",
            "password": "mdlivedemoapipswd"
    2 Response Example {
        "jwt":"Please save the API Authentication Token and it will be required in Step 03"

    Step 03: Client uses the User SSO OAuth Token (from Step 01) and the API Authentication Token (from Step 02) to obtain member information

    HTTP Request

    No. Item Description
    2 HTTP Method GET

    Header Parameter

    Parameter Default
    Authorization API Authentication Token (from Step 02)

    Response Body

    Attribute Description
    patient Patient Information
    ↳ id Patient MDLIVE User ID
    Please save this Patient MDLIVE User ID and link with your GUID/UUID for reporting purpose.
    ↳ first_name Patient First Name
    ↳ last_name Patient Last Name
    ↳ gender Patient Gender
    ↳ birthdate Patient Birthdate
    ↳ email Patient Email
    ↳ phone Patient Phone Number
    ↳ address1 Patient Address1
    ↳ city Patient Address City
    ↳ state Patient Address State
    ↳ zip Patient Address Zipcode
    ↳ dermatology_price Price for Dermatology Visit


    No. Item Examples
    1 Request Example curl -X GET \ \
      -H 'Authorization:
    Please Copy The API Authentication Token (unexpired) from Step 02 and Paste Here.'

    N_k8zXDeVo0PjuFzApPWKQ==, in this Request Example, is a demo member User SSO OAuth Token.
    Please replace this demo member User SSO OAuth Token with your own User SSO OAuth Token from Step 01.
    2 Response Example {
            "address1":"123 Test Road",
            "city":"FORT LAUDERDALE",

    Step 04: Client uses the member information (from Step 03) to register the member or login the member into the client site.

    The client can implement this step based on the client's business logic.


    OCC Introduction

    occ supported browsers

    occ unsupported browser message

    OCC Whitelisting IP/Ports

    twilio video diagnostics site screenshot

    OCC Epic App Orchard

    one click connect video image

    OCC Standalone

    occ stand alone

    OCC Provider Features

    No. Functionality Control Button Function Explanation
    1 Turn on/off camera video on video off The camera is default as on.

    The provider can turn off the camera, and the patient will no longer see the patient.
    2 Turn on/off microphone Microphone on Microphone off The microphone is default as on.

    The provider can turn off the microphone, and the patient will no longer hear the patient.
    3 Turn on/off video preview video preview on video preview off The video preview (the provider can see what the patient is seeing via a small video window) is default as on.
    The provider can turn off the video preview.

    The patient still can see the provider with the provider's video preview off.
    The patient can see the provider until the provider turn off the camera.
    4 Invite third participant invite icon
    Exit Message
    The provider can invite third participant (nurse, translator, etc) to join the video room.
    The providers need to share the link to the third participant.
    The third participant needs to join the video room with the link.

    The third participant will have the same feature as a patient.

    The provider can both see and hear patient and third participant.
    The patient can both see and hear provider and third participant.
    The third participant can both see and hear provider and patient.
    5 Screen sharing Screen sharing off Screen sharing on
    Screen sharing window
    The screen sharing is default as off.
    The provider can share the screen with the patient.
    The provider can choose to share the Entire Screen, Application Window, or Browser Tab.
    6 Connect interpreter Interpreter Icon
    Interpreter Workflow 1
    Interpreter Workflow 2
    This feature is default as off.
    The feature will be enabled ONLY when the healthcare entity has interpreter service provided to their patients and request to enable this feature.

    The provider can connect to a interpreter by using this feature.
    After the provider chooses the language, the corresponding phone number will be dialed to connect the interpreter into the video room with the patient and provider.
    7 Change Background Provider Backgound Change 1
    Provider Backgound Change 2
    Provider Backgound Change 3
    This feature is default as off.
    The feature will allow a provider to choose a preferred background image.
    8 Exit/end visit Exit
    Provider Exit Message
    Video End
    The provider can click the exit button to exit the video room.
    There will be 2 options for the provider to exit the video room.

    If the provider choose to Exit the video room, only the provider will be exiting the video room.
    The provider will be redirected to a page which instructs that it is safe to close the browser window.
    The patient and other participants will stay in the video room if the provider chooses exit with Exit option.

    If the provider choose to End the video consult, all the participants will be disconnected from the video session/room.
    All the participants (provider, patient, third participant) will be redirected to a page which instructs that it is safe to close the browser window.
    The patient and other participants will be disconnected from the video room if the provider chooses exit with End option.

    OCC Patient Features

    No. Functionality Control Button Function Explanation
    1 Turn on/off camera video on video off The camera is default as on.

    The patient can turn off the camera, and the provider will no longer see the patient.
    2 Turn on/off microphone Microphone on Microphone off The microphone is default as on.

    The patient can turn off the microphone, and the provider will no longer hear the patient.
    3 Turn on/off video preview video preview on video preview off The video preview (the patient can see what the provider is seeing via a small video window) is default as on.
    The patient can turn off the video preview.

    The provider still can see the patient with the patient's video preview off.
    The provider can see the patient until the patient turn off the camera.
    4 Patient waiting room The patient will first see this waiting room until the provider joins the video appointment.
    5 Exit video room Exit
    Exit Message
    Video End
    The patient can click the exit button to exit the video room.
    The patient needs to choose "Yes" to confirm the exit operation.
    The patient will be redirected to a page which instructs that it is safe to close the browser window.

    EHR Integration

    MDLIVE CCDA intro 2

    The Continuity of Care Document (CCD) is a joint effort of HL7 International and ASTM.

    CCD fosters interoperability of clinical data by allowing physicians to send electronic medical information to other providers without loss of meaning and enabling improvement of patient care.

    CCD is an implementation guide for sharing Continuity of Care Record (CCR) patient summary data using the HL7 Version 3 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA), Release 2.

    CCD establishes a rich set of templates representing the typical sections of a summary record, and expresses these templates as constraints on CDA.

    These same templates for vital signs, family history, plan of care, and so on, can then be reused in other CDA document types, establishing interoperability across a wide range of clinical use cases.

    The CCD is meant to be used by:

    Benefits of the CCD include:

    The CCD is intended as an alternate implementation to the one specified in ASTM ADJE2369 for those institutions or organizations committed to implementation of the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture. It represents a complete implementation of CCR, combining the best of HL7 technologies with the richness of CCRs clinical data representation, and does not disrupt the existing data flows in payer, provider or pharmacy organizations. The CCD is an XML-based standard and was recognized in 2008 by the US Secretary of Health and Human Services for this use. It has been named in US Regulations for exchange of clinical information.

    The CCDA is based on components of two standard formats that were previously required for certified EHRs: the CCR and the CCD. This format was chosen as the standard for communicating the summary of care since it can accommodate all data elements that providers give their patients after office visits. HL7 created a single implementation guide for the Consolidated CDA, which was released in December 2011 in an effort to reduce ambiguity and eliminate conflicts in documentation. The Consolidated CDA solution encompasses a library of reusable CDA templates, setting the stage for streamlined development and quicker implementation.

    MDLIVE CCDA Content 1

    EHR CCDA Pull Transaction

    MDLIVE EHR Pull intro

    EHR CCDA Push Transaction

    MDLIVE EHR Push intro

    EHR Integration Configuration

    No. Environment Item Detail
    1 Staging && Production OID
    2 Staging Certificate Download MDLIVE EHR Staging Certificate (20250312)
    3 Staging Certificate Chain Download MDLIVE EHR Staging Certificate Chain (20250312)
    4 Production Certificate Download MDLIVE EHR Production Certificate (20250319)
    5 Production Certificate Chain Download MDLIVE EHR Production Certificate Chain (20250319)

    Eligibility API

    No. Environment Item Value Description
    1.1 Staging (UAT) Base URL
    1.2 Production Base URL
    2.1 Required for All HTTP Request Header:
    2.2 Required for All HTTP Request Header:
    application/json Each API user is assigned an API Key and Secret pair that will grant access to the API.
    MDLIVE uses HTTP BASIC Authentication where the key and secret are used as the username and password respectively.
    This needs to be sent as part of the Header in the API request.

    Example: Authorization: Basic <Base64 encoding of "key:secret">
    2.3 Required for All HTTP Request Header:
    application/json Use this header to specify which user triggered this API call.
    This is required for auditing purposes and requests without this header would be declined.
    This can be your organization name.
    No. Item Description
    1 Storing MDLIVE Member IDs Client is responsible for storing MDLIVE Member ID (or unique identifier) in their system.
    When an API call to add a member is passed to MDLIVE, MDLIVE will respond back with a MDLIVE Member ID that is associated to that member / person record.
    This MDLIVE Member ID must be used when making any modifications or deleting the member.
    2 MDLIVE does not deny service MDLIVE will not deny service to a member that calls for a consult.
    If the member is not in our system and provides the group / employer name, our call center will add them into our system so that they can proceed with their consult.
    At the time the member is added into our system, MDLIVE will generate a new MDLIVE Member ID.

    Eligibility API - Functionality

    No. Item                                             Value
    1 Functionality Add New Member
    2 Description Use this method to add eligibility data for a new patient.
    3 Path /members/
    4 Request Method POST
    5 Required Parameters 1. first_name (first name of patient)
    2. last_name (last name of patient)
    3. gender (Male or Female)
    4. birthdate (in DD-MM-YYYY format)
    5. phone (primary phone number of patient)
    6. email (primary email id of patient)
    7. address1 (address line 1)
    8. city (city of the patient)
    9. state (2 letter state code)
    10. zip (zip code)
    6 Conditional Parameters 1. external_id
          This is a unique identifier for the member in your system.
          The external_id can be something like SSN or member id or anything else which can be used to uniquely identify the member in your system/database.
          Required for adding primary members, and is desired but can be skipped when adding dependents.
    2. plan_identifier
          An identifier indicating which plan should be assigned to the patient.
          Required if there are multiple plans associated with the API user.
    3. parent_id
          Required for adding dependents.
          Should contain ID of the primary patient.
    7 Optional Parameters 1. address2 (Address line 2)
    2. emergency_contact (Emergency contact number)
    3. work_phone (Work or office phone if available)
    4. cell (Mobile number if available)
    5. reporting1
          Any attribute that you want to be able to store and run reports on later.
          This is not used within MDLIVE system and is purely for storing additional information if required for the API consumer.
    6. reporting2 (Same as reporting1)
    7. reporting3 (Same as reporting1)
    8. reporting4 (Same as reporting1)
    9. subscriber_id (Subscriber ID of the member, including any suffix/prefix.)
    10. insurance_group_number (Group number/ID of the insurance plan the member is on.)
    8 Response Status Response status will be 201 if the request is successful.
          JSON representation of member data containing the "id" field assigned by MDLIVE system.
          This id should be stored by the client applications as it is required for other API methods.
    See Errors section for details on errors.
    9 Request Example
       - Add a Primary
    Request: external_id is required for adding a primary member.
                      "member": {
                            "external_id": "guid-123-abc-xyz",
                            "first_name": "John",
                            "last_name": "Smith",
                            "gender": "Male",
                            "birthdate": "25-06-1989",
                            "phone": "8004006354",
                            "email": "",
                            "address1": "123 Test Road",
                            "city": "Sunrise",
                            "state": "FL",
                            "zip": "33325"
    10 Response Example
       - Add a Primary
       The id (MDLIVE ID) is assigned by MDLIVE system when the eligibility data of this patient was created.
       This id (MDLIVE ID) should be stored by the client applications as it is required for other API methods.
       This id (MDLIVE ID) will be used to add dependents under this primary account.

             "member": {
                      "id": 1000001,
                      "status": "active",
                      "first_name": "John",
                      "last_name": "Smith",
                      "gender": "Male",
                      "birthdate": "25-06-89",
                      "phone": "8004006354",
                      "email": "",
                      "address1": "123 Test Road",
                      "address2": null,
                      "city": "Sunrise",
                      "state": "FL",
                      "zip": "33325",
                      "country": "US",
                      "emergency_contact_number": null,
                      "reporting1": null,
                      "reporting2": null,
                      "reporting3": null,
                      "reporting4": null,
                      "parent_id": null
    11 Request Example
       - Add a Dependent
    Request: parent_id is required for adding a dependent member.
                      "member": {
                            "parent_id": "1000001",
                            "first_name": "Baby",
                            "last_name": "Smith",
                            "gender": "Female",
                            "birthdate": "15-10-2010",
                            "phone": "8004006354",
                            "email": "",
                            "address1": "123 Test Road",
                            "city": "Sunrise",
                            "state": "FL",
                            "zip": "33325"
    No. Item Value
    1 Functionality Read Existing Member Information
    2 Description Use this method to get eligibility data for an existing patient as stored on MDLIVE system.
    3 Path /members/id/
    4 Request Method GET
    5 Required Parameters id: The MDLIVE ID assigned by MDLIVE system when the eligibility data of this patient was created.
    This should be set in the path.
    6 Response Status Response status will be 200 if the request is successful.
          JSON representation of member data containing the "status" field to show the member's current activation status.
    Same as Create Member method.

    See Errors section for details on errors.
    7 Example
       - Read Member Information

       Same as Create Member method
    No. Item Value
    1 Functionality Update Existing Member
    2 Description Use this method to modify eligibility data for an existing patient.
    3 Path /members/id/
    4 Request Method PUT
    5 Required Parameters id: The MDLIVE ID assigned by MDLIVE system when the eligibility data of this patient was created.
    This should be set in the path.
    6 Optional Parameters All required or optional parameters from the "Create Member" API Method
    7 Response Status Response status will be 204 if the request is successful.
    Same as Create Member method.

    See Errors section for details on errors.
    8 Example
       - Update Member
                      "member": {
                            "last_name": "Smith"

       Same as Create Member method
    No. Item Value
    1 Functionality Deactivate Existing Member
    2 Description Use this method to deactivated an existing patient.
    3 Path /members/id/
    4 Request Method DELETE
    5 Required Parameters id: The MDLIVE ID assigned by MDLIVE system when the eligibility data of this patient was created.
    This should be set in the path.
    6 Response Status Response status will be 204 if the request is successful.
    No content is returned from the server just the response status.

    See Errors section for details on errors.
    7 Example
       - Deactivate Member
       No Content
    No. Item Value
    1 Functionality Reactivate Existing Member
    2 Description Use this method to re-activate a deactivated patient.
    3 Path /members/id/reactivate
    4 Request Method PUT
    5 Required Parameters id: The MDLIVE ID assigned by MDLIVE system when the eligibility data of this patient was created.
    This should be set in the path.
    6 Response Status Response status will be 204 if the request is successful.
    No content is returned from the server just the response status.

    See Errors section for details on errors.
    7 Example
       - Reactivate Member

       No Content

    Eligibility API - Testing

    No. Test Case Description
    1 Add a primary member MDLIVE will check the system and confirm the member is added.
    One user per plan if the client has more than one plan.
    2 Update the primary member MDLIVE will check the system and confirm the member is updated.
    3 De-activate the primary member MDLIVE will check the system and confirm the member is de-activated.
    4 Re-activate the primary member MDLIVE will check the system and confirm the member is re-activated.
    5 Read primary member info MDLIVE will change the information on this member account in MDLIVE system.
    6 Read primary member info again Client should see the changes MDLIVE made in Step 5.
    7 Add a dependent member MDLIVE will check the system and confirm the member is added.
    This step will only be required if the client allows dependent.
    8 Update the dependent member MDLIVE will check the system and confirm the member is updated.
    This step will only be required if the client allows dependent.
    9 De-activate dependent member MDLIVE will check the system and confirm the member is de-activated.
    This step will only be required if the client allows dependent.
    10 Re-activate dependent member MDLIVE will check the system and confirm the member is re-activated.
    This step will only be required if the client allows dependent.
    11 Read dependent member info MDLIVE will change the information on this member account in MDLIVE system.
    This step will only be required if the client allows dependent.
    12 Read dependent member info again Client should see the changes MDLIVE made in Step 11.
    This step will only be required if the client allows dependent.

    Eligibility API - Error

    No. Error Code Description
    1 400 [400 Bad Request]
    The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
    The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.

    This indicates that the required headers were missing or the request was not formed correctly.
    2 401 [401 Unauthorized]
    This indicates that the Authentication header was missing or incorrect.
    3 403 [403 Forbidden]
    The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
    This indicates that you do not have permissions to access the requested resource/action.
    4 404 [404 Not Found]
    The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.
    This indicates that the requested resource was not found.
    5 422 [422 Unprocessable Entity]
    This indicates that the data sent in API request is invalid or malformed.

    This will additionally return error description in following format:

    {error_field1: [array of error messages related to this attribute/parameter],
    error_field2: [array of error messages],
    … and so on}

    Any error message not pertaining to a specific parameter or attribute will be returned under the key "base".
    {"first_name": ["must be present", "must not contain any numbers"],
    "birthdate": ["must be a past date"],
    "base": ["This patient was already saved earlier in our database"}
    6 500 [500 Internal Server Error]
    The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
    This indicates something failed during processing your request and is not likely related to the data in the API request.

    Mobile - White Label

    White Label Introduction

    White Label App Releases

    Releases Features
    2022.q4 1. Improvements to the virtual primary care scheduling experience
    2. Integrated lab scheduling capabilities for annual wellness appointments
    3. Med Management/Medication Reconciliation
    4. Integrated Lab Scheduling for Routine Care Appointments
    5. Remote patient monitoring - Health Tracking Support
    6. Redesign login workflow for an optimized user experience
    7. Redesign experience video waiting room experience
    8. Redesign video in session experience, offering an improved and flexible user experience
    9. Payment Page redesign to improve cost communication
    10. Updates to improve localization
    11. Updates to family management
    12. Dermatology workflow Enhancements

    White Label App Assets

    No. Item Required Notes Details
    1 Installed App
    Icon Image
    Required This will be the Installed App Icon Image in both iOS and Android devices after the apps are installed.

    Size: 1024*1024.
    NO transparent background image.

    Example images with two different Installed App Icons are provided for reference =>
    2 App Display
    Required This App Display Name will appear under the installed app icon

    within 12 characters - spaces count 1 character

    Examples of two different App Display Names are provided for reference =>
    3 App Referring
    Required This App Referring Name will be used in the app, which will replace MDLIVE.

    within 12 characters - spaces count 1 character

    Examples of two different App Referring Names are provided for reference =>

    4 Welcome Page
    Optional The images on these (3) welcome pages cannot be changed in the white label apps.

    The welcome page verbiage including the title under each welcome page image can be customized upon client's request.

    5 App Theme
    Required This is the App Theme Color of the white label app for both iOS and Android

    The Color Hex Value is required.

    Examples of two different App Theme Colors are provided for reference =>

    6 App Resource Logo Required Size: 432*82
    transparent background
    .png format

    Examples of two different App Resource Logos are provided for reference =>

    7 DTC (Direct-to-Consumer)
    Registration Setting
    Required Please pick one of the following setting:

    1. Client's DTC Benefit

    2. MDLIVE's DTC Benefit
    This setting is used when a first time user downloads and uses the white label app.

    If the user's current benefit is not covered by the white label app client (Health Entity or Employer), the user will be registered under a DTC benefit group to allow MDLIVE service access.

    White Label App Launch

    No. Access Requirement Example
    1 Google Play Store:
    Admin Access

    2 App Store Connect:
    Admin Access

    No. Item Format
    1 App Name in Store Any existing app name cannot be used.
    App Name must be less than 30 characters.
    2 App Screenshots Background Color Any client company branding Color Hex Value, like #8A1E41.
    3 App Screenshots Pharmacy ZIP code Any U.S. ZIP code, like 33027.
    Platform Usage

    White Label App FAQ

    Q&A Information
    Q1 Does MDLIVE Support white label app for Windows OS or any other mobile OS?
    A1 No, MDLIVE white label app ONLY support iOS and Android platforms.
    Q2 Can MDLIVE release the white label app under MDLIVE developer account instead of my team's account?
    A2 No, the client has to release the apps under their own Developer account.
    Q3 Will there be user experience differences in the white label app between iOS and Android?
    A3 Yes, MDLIVE has different road maps and release schedules for iOS and Android.
    Some new features will not be available at the same time between iOS app and Android app.
    Q4 What is the upgrade plan for white label apps?
    A4 MDLIVE will upgrade each white label app annually in Q4 each year.
    Q5 Will MDLIVE upgrade white label apps outside of the annual upgrade window?
    A5 MDLIVE will release hot-fix release for fixing production issues.
    If there is a new feature ready in MDLIVE white label app and the client wants the feature before the annual upgrade time window.
    MDLIVE can release a build based on client's request and MDLIVE product team approval.

    Mobile - SDK

    SDK - Intro

    SDK - iOS Release

    Release Date Features
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 4.0.2 09/25/2024 Added support for Xcode 16.
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 4.0.1 09/05/2024 Added support for Xcode 15.4.
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 4.0.0 08/16/2024 New features:
    - Redesigned dashboard
    - E-Treatment
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 3.3.5 05/30/2024 Added support for the updated Non-Production environment.
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 3.3.4 05/13/2024 Minor fix for Apple Privacy Manifest File.
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 3.3.3 04/22/2024 Added support for Apple Privacy Manifest.
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 3.3.2 03/28/2024 Added support for Swift 5.9.2 and Xcode 15.
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 3.3.1 01/01/2024 Removed the nested Validic framework.
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 3.3.0 12/01/2023 Updated mobile Certificate Pinning. New expiration date: 12/05/2030.
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 3.1.1 03/01/2023 Updated mobile Certificate Pinning. New expiration date: 01/17/2024.
    MDLIVE iOS SDK 2.1.0 04/01/2022 New features:
    - Behavior appointment request
    - Annual wellness visit
    - Lab scheduling
    - Dashboard redesign

    SDK - Android Release

    Release Version SDK Reference ID Links Release Date Release Note
    MDLIVE Android SDK 3.3.0 MDL_artifact_version
    = "5.3.16"
    12/01/2023 Updated mobile Certificate Pinning. New expiration date: 12/05/2030.
    MDLIVE Android SDK 3.1.0 MDL_artifact_version
    = "5.3.15"
    03/01/2023 Updated mobile Certificate Pinning. New expiration date: 01/17/2024.
    MDLIVE Android SDK 2.1.1 MDL_artifact_version
    = "5.3.12"
    07/01/2022 Updated SSL Error Handler to meet the latest Google Security requirements.
    MDLIVE Android SDK 2.1.0 MDL_artifact_version
    = "5.3.9"
    04/01/2022 New features:
    - Behavior appointment request
    - Annual wellness visit
    - Lab scheduling
    - Dashboard redesign

    SDK - Entry Point API

    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Member Gender
    M for Male
    F for Female

    U for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 subscriberid Required Member Subscriber ID
    The same ID which is sent in 270 request to verify the member real time eligibility.
    Maximum 20 characters
    7 relationship Required Relationship Code
    !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Attribute value ONLY accept:
    8 memberid Conditional GUID / UUID from the client side.
    Please refer to your own integration document if you have a customized design on the member ID value.

    Maximum 36 characters
    9 phone Required Member Phone Number
    Format: 10 digit phone number
    Example: 8004006354

    The following error will be returned for new users if phone number is not sent as requested:
     "sdk_sso_transfer": {
      "completed": true,
      "eligible": false,
      "reason": "{:phone=>[\"can't be blank\", \"is invalid\"]}",
      "token": "random-token-generated-by-the-server",
      "subscriberid": abc1234567",
      "memberid": "xyz12345"
    10 email Required Member Email
    Format: MUST be a valid email address

    The following error will be returned for new users if email is not sent as requested:
     "sdk_sso_transfer": {
      "completed": true,
      "eligible": false,
      "reason": "{:email=>[\"can't be blank\", \"is invalid\"]}",
      "token": "random-token-generated-by-the-server",
      "subscriberid": abc1234567",
      "memberid": "xyz12345"

    11 address1 Required Member Address
    12 city Required Member Address City
    13 state Required Member Address State Abbreviation
    !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Format: 2 Upper Case State Abbreviation
    Example: FL, NY, CA
    14 zip Required Member Address Zip Code
    Format: 5 digit zip code
    Example: 33325
    No. Name Requirement Description
    1 ou Required Organization Unit
    MDLIVE will issue one “ou” value for each client landing page.
    2 firstname Required Dependent Member Legal First Name
    3 lastname Required Dependent Member Legal Last Name
    4 gender Required Dependent Member Gender
    M for Male
    F for Female

    U for Non-binary Gender
    5 birthdate Required Dependent Member Birthdate
    Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    6 subscriberid Required Dependent Member Subscriber ID
    The same ID which is sent in 270 request to verify the dependent member real time eligibility.
    Maximum 20 characters
    7 relationship Required Relationship Code
    !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Attribute value ONLY accept:
    Other Adult
    8 memberid Conditional GUID / UUID from the client side.
    Please refer to your own integration document if you have a customized design on the member ID value.

    Maximum 36 characters
    9 phone Required Member Phone Number
    Format: 10 digit phone number
    Example: 8004006354

    The following error will be returned for new users if phone number is not sent as requested:
     "sdk_sso_transfer": {
      "completed": true,
      "eligible": false,
      "reason": "{:phone=>[\"can't be blank\", \"is invalid\"]}",
      "token": "random-token-generated-by-the-server",
      "subscriberid": abc1234567",
      "memberid": "xyz12345"

    10 email Required Dependent Member Email
    Format: MUST be a valid email address

    The following error will be returned for new users if email is not sent as requested:
     "sdk_sso_transfer": {
      "completed": true,
      "eligible": false,
      "reason": "{:email=>[\"can't be blank\", \"is invalid\"]}",
      "token": "random-token-generated-by-the-server",
      "subscriberid": abc1234567",
      "memberid": "xyz12345"

    11 address1 Required Dependent Member Address
    12 city Required Dependent Member Address City
    13 state Required Dependent Member Address State Abbreviation
    !! This Attribute is CASE-SENSITIVE !!
    Format: 2 Upper Case State Abbreviation
    Example: FL, NY, CA
    14 zip Required Dependent Member Address Zip Code
    Format: 5 digit zip code
    Example: 33325
    15 primaryfirstname Required Primary Member Legal First Name
    16 primarylastname Required Primary Member Legal Last Name
    17 primarygender Required Primary Member Gender
    M for Male
    F for Female

    U for Non-binary Gender
    18 primarybirthdate Required Primary Member Birthdate

    Android Format: java.util.Date

    iOS Format: DD-MM-YYYY
    August 12, 1999 -> 12-08-1999
    19 primarysubscriberid Required Primary Member Subscriber ID
    The same ID which is sent in 270 request to verify the member real time eligibility.
    Maximum 20 characters

    Mobile - Webview


    System Requirement

    Patients System Requirement

    No. Requirements
    1 2.0 GHz CPU with dual-core processor minimum
    (Recommended: 2.8 GHz 6th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 Processor with 4 CPU Cores or better, or an equivalent AMD processor)
    2 2 GB RAM minimum (Recommended: 4 GB or more)
    3 A webcam with at least 2 megapixels
    4 Microphone (most webcams have a microphone built-in)
    5 High-speed Internet with 1MB download and 300kbps minimum upload speed
    No. Product Operating System
    1 MDLIVE Web Site Apple MacOS 10.12+
    2 MDLIVE Web Site Microsoft Windows 10
    3 MDLIVE Web Site Microsoft Windows 8.1
    4 MDLIVE Web Site Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
    5 iOS Mobile Application Apple iOS 10+
    6 iPad Application Apple iPadOS 13+
    7 Android Mobile Application Android 7 (Nougat)+
    No. Device Operating System Browser
    1.1.1 Desktop Microsoft Windows Google Chrome
    1.1.2 Desktop Microsoft Windows Firefox
    1.1.3 Desktop Microsoft Windows Microsoft Edge Chromium: Version 80+
    1.2.1 Desktop Apple MacOS Google Chrome
    1.2.2 Desktop Apple MacOS Firefox
    1.2.3 Desktop Apple MacOS Safari: Version 12.1+
    1.3.1 Desktop Linux Google Chrome
    1.3.2 Desktop Linux Firefox
    2.1.1 Mobile iOS iOS Safari: Version 12.1+
    2.2.1 Mobile Android Google Chrome
    3.1.1 Tablet iPad Safari: Version 12.1+

    Providers System Requirement

    No. Requirements
    1 2.0 GHz CPU with dual-core processor minimum
    (Recommended: 2.8 GHz 6th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 Processor with 4 CPU Cores or better, or an equivalent AMD processor)
    2 2 GB RAM minimum (Recommended: 4 GB or more)
    3 A webcam with at least 2 megapixels
    4 Microphone (most webcams have a microphone built-in)
    5 High-speed Internet with 10MB download and 2MB minimum upload speed
    No. Product Operating System
    1 MDLIVE Web Site Apple MacOS 10.12+
    2 MDLIVE Web Site Microsoft Windows 10
    3 iOS Mobile Application Apple iOS 10+
    4 Android Mobile Application Android 7 (Nougat)+
    No. Device Operating System Browser
    1.1.1 Desktop Microsoft Windows Google Chrome
    1.2.1 Desktop Apple MacOS Google Chrome

    System Notice

    20240409 SSO Stage Environment Migration

    No. Environment Item Value Description
    1.1 Staging SP Entity ID Audience in Audience Restriction
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    This is the name (EntityID) of MDLIVE Test SP Server which should be configured in the SAML2 assertion as the Audience.
    You will see a 404 Not Found Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    1.2 Staging Destination Assertion Consumer Service
    This value is Case Sensitive in the SAML2 assertion.

    You will see a Page Not Found MDLIVE Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    1.3 Staging Relay State NOT URL-encoded
    You will see a Page Not Found MDLIVE Error Page if you try to access this URL directly from a web browser, which is expected.
    1.4 Staging SP Metadata MDLIVE SSO Staging SP Metadata (20250207) The SP metadata installation in the IDP server is not required for the SSO integration.
    1.5 Staging Certificate MDLIVE SSO Staging Certificate (20250207) The Digital Certificate is being used to encrypt SAML2 assertion by clients IDP servers.

    System Status